Yes. To teach kids yoga professionally in most countries, you will need professional liability insurance.
Schools or private venues in most countries will ask you for your insurance certificate. It shows them that you are covered if someone hurts themselves while under your care. It costs around $100 a year.
In our years of teaching, we’ve never heard of anyone making a claim against their professional liability insurance.
Our foundation training Getting Started in Kids Yoga is designed to enable you to get professional liability insurance, so you can teach kids yoga professionally.
There is a strong appraisal process – including quizzes during the course and sending in a video of you teaching a class at the end. This process was developed with a specialist yoga insurer in the UK called DSC Strand.
Criteria for evaluation at the end of the training (developed in conjunction with DSC Strand too) include: yoga instruction, pacing, use of language, story-telling, performance and safety. Only if you pass on all these criteria do you get certification.
The syllabus matches the curriculum of Yoga Alliance-approved live courses, and is supported by an active online community.
More than 2000 teachers have done the course, hundreds of whom are now teaching professionally.
All teaching and appraisal is by Jaime Amor (a Yoga Alliance E-RYT, RCYT qualified teacher)
There is a very strong focus on anatomical safety and development in the training – with full video instruction of all the poses.
With an increasing number of insurers you can just phone up and say "I’ve done Cosmic Kids teacher training" - and they’ll know who you’re talking about - we are starting to have that kind of profile and we keep a list of insurers who know us.