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Who should do Cosmic Kids teacher training?

Martin avatar
Written by Martin
Updated over a week ago

More than 5000 people have taken our foundation teacher training, Getting Started in Kids Yoga. It's designed to encourage a very wide range of people to get started teaching kids yoga professionally. The only real requirement is a love of yoga and kids.

Our training is in story-based kids yoga, like the yoga you see Jaime leading in Cosmic Kids Yoga. We recommend it for these people:

  • Anyone who wants to teach safe and fun yoga to kids

  • Yoga enthusiasts who want to pass on the benefits of yoga to kids in their communities

  • Kindergarten teachers

  • Elementary/Primary School teachers

  • Adult yoga teachers

  • Parents

  • Childcare professionals

  • Nursery / pre-school teachers

  • Yoga enthusiasts who want to pass on the benefits of yoga to kids in their communities

You don't have to be a qualified yoga teacher to take the course, but we do recommend that you practice yoga yourself.

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